Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

61. Mister Accountant

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

I had to hire a cost accountant for a food manufacturing company. We needed to examine our costing as it had been some time since it was done. It was a temp position and should last 2-3 months.

It was not easy to find candidates, but we found one. He was a CPA, had experience as a cost accountant, and, coincidentally, had a passing acquaintance with my brother.

This guy shows up on the first day, all suited up and ready to go. Under his arm, I see this BIG book titled ‘The Principles of Cost Accounting.’ Uh, ok. Well, we gave him two days. At noon on the second day, I called the agency and told them to get him outta there. I’m not sure how, but I do not want to see him tomorrow.

In his limited time, he had managed to throw it around like a club, and he knew my brother. It was practically family, according to Mr. Cost Accountant.

Then, he tried to take over my plant manager’s office, and he became irate with the front desk person because she wouldn’t give him any CDs so he could download our financial information to take home and study. Right away. There was more, but that was enough for me.

No, I didn’t see his face the next day or ever again.


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