Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

75. Wasted Chances

Pexels, Mikhail Nilov

Obligatory, not me. This was my boss.

He used an oxyacetylene torch to cut steel over a freshly installed metal floor, which caused all kinds of damage. The boss was going to cut him a break (everyone makes mistakes), but then the doofus started arguing. I witnessed a 20-minute rant, and then the guy was fired on the spot.

A few years later, he was rehired. 

Me: Hey isn’t that the guy?

Boss: Oh yeah! Oh well, maybe he’s grown up.

He worked for a few weeks. Seemed to be doing OK. Then they went out for some drinks after work. He hits on the boss’s daughter, gets rejected, and calls her all kinds of names. Then he gets fired. He’s lucky he wasn’t beaten, too.


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