Horrible Employers Who Got Some Well Deserved Revenge

His Secret Side Hustle

Retail Hell facts

I worked with a supreme jerk for a few months in my early 20s. He’s one of those guys that tells stories to try and impress other people, but really he just ends up making himself look like a villain (cheating on his girlfriend, beating people up for fun, selling substances). It was a boring, mindless job, so I took it all in stride; in one ear, out the other…until the night I discovered his secret side hustle—he was selling pills right in the middle of the store, amongst the eight to 12 security cameras. I didn’t pull any superhero moves to get him busted, just reported to the owner (whose son is a sheriff), who watched the tapes. The jerk was gone within hours. Felt okay.

Story credit: Reddit / PuffyTaco

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