Entitled People Who Just Didn’t Get Their Way at Restaurants

Good Christian Bacon


I used to work at Subway. There was one legendary customer that we only refer to as “Crazy Bacon Lady.” She was an older woman. She came in and asked how much a 6″ BLT was. We told her it was 3.50 plus tax.

She then proceeded to yell at us saying it was $2 when she came in yesterday (hint, she didn’t come in yesterday.

In fact this was the first time she had even been in our store. Plus the fact that the BLT was never at any point $2 in the 3 years I had worked there).

She barks out her order the whole way up the line saying such gems as: “I am a good Christian woman, I don’t deserve to be treated this way,” “For 3.50 that bacon better be fresh!” and “The service here is terrible! I’M NEVER COMING BACK, YOU HEAR ME!”

And the best one of them all, when she gets to my co-worker who is manning the cash register and he tells her the total of 3.68 (tax and all) she says: “You people are workers of the DEVIL!”

She plops down exact change, snatches up her bag, and storms out the door. Whenever I see my old co-workers, we still have a good laugh about it. Br1lliantJim

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