Entitled People Who Just Didn’t Get Their Way at Restaurants

She’s Right There, Officer


I worked at a vineyard where we got the occasional limo full of sloshed people. We do not allow them in because we are not a bar and do not serve trashed people. Occasionally, the manager is away from the door, and that is when these people will attempt to sneak in.

I had to approach one of them and tell them politely that their party had too much to drink and had to leave.

Her response made me clench my fist: “I’m not going anywhere”. I assured her that my staff would not serve her, so it was pointless to insist on staying. I told her if she didn’t leave within five minutes, she would be escorted out by an officer.

She didn’t believe me, so I called the local officer we have on-call right in front of her and said, “He is on his way. I suggest you leave if you want to save yourself the embarrassment”.

As I was going out the side door to get the number off the limo’s plate, she followed me into the back office. 

Her next move had me livid. She pushed me into a filing cabinet and said, “WE AREN’T LEAVING”. Then, her group came back, grabbed her, and they sped off in their limo.

The officer arrived a minute later, and I gave him the plate number to give them a little scare. All this for a glass of vino. It happens at least three to five times a year. 86eggplant

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