Bite This

I was outside a local bar I frequented with a buddy of mine. An obese but muscular man, twice our combined size, started hassling him. He was all up in my friend’s face trying to get him to fight. We were both confused about what provoked this, but it quickly became apparent that it escalated beyond control. The guy’s counterpart, also concerned, attempted to pry his morbid companion away.
When it became evident that my friend may have to defend himself, I gave him some game-changing advice. I told him, “If he gets a hold on you, you take your thumbs and dig them, as hard as you can, into his eyes. Then, bite his nose off”. Upon hearing that, the guy went bananas and veered toward me. I informed him it would be in his best interest if he left me be. He backed away with a glimmer of fear in his eyes.