Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Living the Hippie Life


So this happened when I was 14/15. My mother was married to a man who had an adult son from a previous marriage – I think he was mid-20s. He lived the hippie life – literally on the streets by choice, and about once a year or so he would hitchhike his way to our house with his friends, do copious amounts of laundry and pot, and generally just take over as if it was their house. They even left the gas burners on once because they “forgot” they turned the stove on.

Anyhow, like any teenage girl, I was obsessed with my clothes. I had laundry sitting in the dryer, including these awesome corduroy pants I had only worn once. Step-bro and friends are doing laundry and instead of doing something normal like moving my stuff aside or putting it in my room, they decide, “oh man it would be so dope to cut these up and make like a sweet cape!” So that’s what they did.

I saw step-bro wearing this “cape” and recognized the material. “Are those my pants?!?!?” I exclaimed. “They were in the laundry, man, ya know, like finders keepers.” I was furious and his dad wouldn’t do anything about it. My mom was mad because she had just bought these for me and they were pricey. Mom didn’t like this annual visit anyhow, but to keep her marriage, she put up with it.

I wanted to get back at step-bro but he had nothing of value because of his lifestyle. Then I remembered I overheard my parents fighting and my mom had mentioned step-bro had got a girl pregnant, and the kid was like 2 years old and he hadn’t so much as given the girl a penny or even seen the child since it was born.

So the next day, my parents were at work, step-bro is hanging out, listening to music or something, I decide to call the cops. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I told the dispatcher I knew of someone who might have a warrant out for failure to pay child support. The dispatcher asked the name of the person, I gleefully gave step-bro’s name and they confirmed there was in fact a warrant out for him. I gave my address and waited.

20 minutes later, cops roll up. They knock and I let them in, and lead them right to him. “He’s right here, officers!” I couldn’t stop smiling. They cuff him and take him off to jail. An hour later my mom calls the house after step-bro had used his phone call to call his dad, and I tell her exactly what I did. She whispered, “good job,” but then pretended to loudly reprimand me as she was with step-dad. Step-dad couldn’t get the fine and bail money together fast enough, so step-bro had to sit in jail overnight.

Still makes me happy 20 years later to remember seeing him being taken away in a cop car. My mom luckily divorced that jerk and is now married to a very nice man.

Story credit: Reddit / dandylyon1

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