Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

What I Say Goes


I worked in an office for a large supermarket. We had a team leader who was a jerk, (he’ll be known as ‘jerk’ from here on). Never in the wrong, always had the what I say goes attitude. Useless. One day he got promoted to the team leader of the team above us. They were involved in the data side of things so we thought we had seen the last of him, but he generally screwed with his old team he was universally despised.

One day we had an issue with pricing in our stores. Meat was going through the till at twice the normal price. In our stores we have a policy if we overcharge you, you get double the overcharge back.

Jerk manager, knowing this, went shopping after work. He put every meat he could think of in his shopping cart. Once he got to the checkout he acted as if he was a genuine customer. Now the jerk had always been so self-important he failed to realize the girl behind the counter used to work in our office.

She saw him with all this meat and spoke to her manager. She basically said to the manager “this guy’s pulling a fast one.” He agreed.

Manager: I understand you have been overcharged on some meat?

Jerk: Yes and I want the refund on double the difference!

Manager: Did the lady behind the till tell you about the overcharge before the items start scanning?

Jerk: Yes she did, and I was told to come here.

Manager: If you were told before the items were scanned that we had this fault all we can do is give you back what you have been overcharged.

Jerk: This is ridiculous. I know the policy, I manage the store’s policy throughout the country!

Manager: Excuse me but how do YOU manage the policy?

Jerk: I work in head office.

Manger: Oh, sorry sir, can I take your staff card?

Jerk: Yeah, here it is.

The manager proceeded to phone head office and it was jerk’s old team that picked up the call. The first thing the store manager asked was did we have a manager there by jerk’s name and could he speak to jerk’s boss. Jerk’s boss took the call and said to the manager, “Can you ask jerk to come in to your office? I need to talk to him.”

He was fired on the spot and told he would not get a reference from us as if he did get one it would say he was dismissed due to fraud against the company. I heard he was working for Domino’s Pizza. Bit of a come down from an $80k a year job!

Story credit: Reddit / Dirk_diggler22

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