Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Upward Mobility


Here we go. So I was working at HQ for a large and well known company, cubicle sorta gig. I had been there 3 years and the woman in question had been there about 12. She’s known to have a bit of an attitude and was pretty much next in line to fill a very high position under the CEO. She’s always not liked many of the office workers (pretty much all the men, and one woman she would constantly make cry).

One day I ended up brushing past her in a hurry to hand something off to my supervisor which he needed ASAP, both of my hands quite obviously occupied holding something at chest level. She ended up filing a harassment claim saying I grabbed her butt. (After 2 weeks of unpleasantness I ended up getting my supervisor to pull cam footage, which saved my bacon as they were pretty much about to fire me.)

Well I’m friends with a guy she likes to talk to, even though he doesn’t much like her. I ended up giving him my recorder pen a few weeks later and got him to try and egg her into talking about trying to get me fired. He managed to get her to admit to that and 3 other instances where she did get men fired for false harassment claims.

I ended up getting the recording back, made a few copies and ended up handing them off to HR, each of the 3 other men in question via email, my boss, and his boss, her husband( anonymously), and everybody on the board. I basically forced the company into a situation where their “star player” couldn’t stay, because A) 2 of the 3 men are currently looking to sue, B) I was getting ready to as well, and C) it was completely indisputable.

I lost her her job, and career, any chance at using the place as a reference, and probably damaged her marriage. She’s not getting a severance, or any of her PTO paid to her.

Story credit: Reddit / Skifer91290

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