Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Stranded in the Parking Lot


My grandpa was a quiet guy. He loved his family more than anything. And he was very, very observant.

My parents’ wedding reception was in full swing. Everyone is drinking and dancing and having a great time. One of my dad’s friends stupidly decides to play a prank. He gets two more of dad’s buddies to help. Grandpa notices them sneaking out and watches.

Now mom had an awesome car. It was a blue Camaro with a landau top, and was either a 69, 70, or 71. Mom doesn’t remember. This friend of dad’s also had a Camaro of the same year.

Anyway, the trio go out to mom’s car, pop the hood, and take a part. I think it was spark plugs, but whatever they took, it meant the car wouldn’t start, leaving my parents kinda stranded.

Grandpa saw this, waited till the guys went back in, then took the same part from the guy’s car, and put it in mom’s. He then took the guy’s tools and flashlight, and hid them in the coat closet.

Soon it’s real dark, so the newlyweds leave for their hotel room. Prank guy and his friends are even more hammered, and discover their car won’t start. They pop the hood and see the missing part, and start looking for the tools and flashlight.

Grandpa walks over and says, “Your tools and light are in the coat closet, I hope your car is comfy, because the building won’t be unlocked until morning.”

Of course Grandpa tells Grandma, they laugh, and Grandma tells mom and dad. My Grandpa was the best.

Story credit: Reddit / borderlinenihilist

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