Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Power of Attorney


Shortly after my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, my formally estranged half-brother quit his job and moved in to help take care of my dad. Though there really wasn’t enough money, it was agreed to pay him around $300 a week to make up for his missing income.

Durning this time, my half brother abruptly acquired durable power of attorney and usurped medical and financial (my mother and father had separate financial lives) decisions.

Several documents relating to my dad’s pension (which were now my half brother’s responsibility) were not turned in on time resulting in my dad missing out on a one-time payout of $8,000 and lowering his pension payout by $300/mo.

My half brother then cleaned out my dad’s remaining savings (about $3,000, not discovered until about a month later). 6 days later, our father took his one life.

My dad left all of his insurance money, and belongings to my mother. Us children were left with only sentimental items. My half brother was visibly upset and shaking when the will was read. He acknowledged that my mother was receiving “everything” and left.

About a month later we discovered the missing money. Though he broke no laws because he had power of attorney, we insisted he pay it back, even offered to let him make payments over a two year period. He refused and we have been no contact for two years now.

Little did he know that he was in my mom’s (his stepmother’s) will. He would receive half of what is currently a $250,000 estate. I suggested to my mother that she remove him from the will. She did and I am now the sole beneficiary.

He stole $3,000 now only to lose out on $125,000 later.

Story credit: Reddit / bichitis

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