Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Shamefully Happy


Older Chinese people think that’s it’s really shameful to have a son near 30 who is still not married, because it means that they are not a good parent for not having found a good bride for their son, or it means you are too poor to afford a marriage, or your son is ugly. The pressure is pretty high and everyone tends to want a grandchild as soon as possible.

So, my mother got sick five years ago in China. We are emigrants so she doesn’t have insurance there, her treatment was more than $30,000, and we were broke. Since her aunts and uncles still owed her some money, she asked for some, but guess what They denied it and let her stay sick. They were basically just waiting for her to pass.

So I quit school to help my mom. After four years she was cured, and I got myself a family. I had two sons and bought a house with the help of my in-laws business. Well, last year I took my sons to China, went to visit those aunts and uncles—and got news that made me shamefully happy. All their sons are still single, while I have not one but two children.

Story credit: Reddit

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