Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Zero Tolerance Policy


My favorite childhood story. So, I was an AP kid and had a bunch of AP friends, and also was in sports and theater. I had a large bunch of friends in nearly every clique. Anyway, one day one of my friends gets sucker-punched in the halls by some jerk. Because of the school’s ridiculous zero tolerance policy, getting sucker-punched carries the same punishment as doing the punching.

As a result, my friend and the jerk both got in school suspensions, even though only one of them was punched in the face. I thought that was a little bit unfair. So, I got my friends together, and they got their friends together, and every week, one of us would sucker-punch the jerk. Every week, both of us would get a suspension, but there were enough of us that it didn’t matter. The jerk, meanwhile, missed so much class he had to retake the grade.

Story credit: Reddit / whoshereforthemoney

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