Epic Stories That Prove That Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Night Shift


I used to work shifts many years ago, including regular night shifts. My boss was an unpleasant person to say the least. He would leave his keys on top of his locker. One night, I took a small file to work and filed down one or two teeth of his front door key. The next day, he was telling everyone about how he got home and his door lock was broken.

He had to get a locksmith out, which cost a fortune, and he didn’t get much sleep. Well, it happened again a couple of months later. Then his car key got some treatment. I stopped after that, as I heard him mention it was getting suspicious that all these locks stopped working. But, unknown to me, other colleagues also disliked him…so one night his locker disappeared entirely. Rumor has it that it’s part of the foundations of an office block now.

Story credit: Reddit

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