Unusual Tradition

“I am a wedding photographer in the summers and I work for a very prestigious company. One of the newer traditions/gimmicks is to ‘Saber’ a bottle of champagne for the newlyweds. Basically, you freeze the top 1/3 of the bottleneck, and take an ACTUAL SWORD, and cut down the length of the bottle, which hits the lip, cracks it, and shoots the cork/top of the bottle across the room in a very silly display. We generally charge $250 for a ‘sabering.’ I’m pretty good at it. At the wedding I attended, the bride’s mother was driving us crazy by saying we don’t have the right angle for the photos. So she got up with her point-and-shoot and decided to take a picture facing the bottle. I assume you’ve all gathered, but the poor lady got smacked right above her eyes with an accelerated wine-cork/glass-bit.”
Reddit user: Whoistcmt