Epic Wedding Moments We Can All Relate To

All’s Well That Ends Well

Miguel Teirlinck/Unsplash

“My parents had a pretty disastrous wedding. The wedding was in July, they were expecting a hot, sunny day but it ended up being a major downpour. My mother had a taxi scheduled to take her from her hotel to the church, but due to the rain, the taxi was super late. As my mother was waiting, in her wedding dress, she got hit by a car. She gets knocked to the ground, but it wasn’t hard enough to break any bones so she just walks it off. Unfortunately, her dress picked up a lot of mud from her fall, and a big chunk of lace was torn. It turns out the car that hit her was actually the taxi that was supposed to pick her up. She finally makes it to the church. My father was in tears, on the verge of a nervous breakdown thinking that she wasn’t going to show up. The rest of the ceremony went ok. It was a disaster at the time, but now they look back at it and laugh.”

Reddit user: simplerthings

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