There’s Always A Rainbow After the Rain

“Twenty years ago, my brother was getting married. The ceremony was being held on Mt. Davidson in San Francisco. It’s a lovely spot but the weather didn’t play along. It was raining. Hard. We needed to turn the few 4WD vehicles we had into transport vehicles for the wedding guests. Everyone was ferried up the muddy trail to the top. My brother took me aside and ranted. I did the brotherly thing and told him I would take care of everything. As the wedding couple marched up the muddy aisle, the sky parted. The sun shone down. Everyone was instantly relieved. The celebrant said her stuff and they were married! As they walked back down the aisle, a massive bright rainbow burst over San Francisco. Everyone leaped up in applause and started snapping photos. After the hurly-burly, my brother thanked me for keeping himself together. I told him ‘Remember, brother: without the rain, there is no rainbow!’”
Reddit user: CitizenTed