The Long Way or the Highway

“I was the maid of honor at my brother’s very formal wedding. It was in a huge church with a very long center aisle. We all walked down the aisle without incident. The problem came when the minister asked for the groom’s ring. He opened a large Bible and wanted me to set the ring on it. The ring was stuck to my hand. I kind of tapped my hand against the Bible and the ring came loose, bounced off the Bible, and rolled halfway up the center aisle. Nobody made a move to pick it up. So I had to walk up and get it. I swear that the aisle was a mile long. I know my face was bright red. When I finally got back to the altar the entire wedding party completely lost it. We were all laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes. The minister was pissed which only made us laugh more.”
Reddit user: prunepicker