The Best Man’s Duty

“I was at my best friend’s wedding a couple of months ago. It was a great ceremony, the couple looked very beautiful, bla, bla, bla… During the photoshoot after the ceremony, we decided to get a photo of me (the best man), the maid of honor, and the newlyweds. Things go great when suddenly a man runs naked through the shot yelling ‘It should have been me!’ over and over. As the best man, I felt it was my duty and privilege to tackle the hooligan to the ground and sit on him until the cops arrived. Turns out it was the ex-boyfriend of the bride who decided that he wanted her back. The photographer snapped a couple of pictures of me on top of the guy. The wedding album has a picture of me, grinning while sitting on top of the guy with the caption ‘TempoGnome had fun playing tag with [ex-boyfriend] after the ceremony.’”
Reddit user: [deleted]