Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Lingering Resentment


It’s rumored that one of my aunts euthanized my grandmother, who was dying of lung cancer at the time, at 74 years of age. She passed after being discharged from a long hospital stay while being driven home.

This aunt had been taking care of her for years, and my other aunts and uncles plus my mother, seven of them in total, quickly turned on her and accused her of offing my grandma so she could inherit the house.

I don’t have the specifics but basically, she flipped out and cursed them out, saying that they had some nerve saying stuff like that while they all moved away across the country and she was the only one taking care of their mother while also raising and supporting six children and constantly having to defend herself from an abusive alcoholic husband.

She also said something to the effect that my grandma had known it was time to go and she was all for ending it quickly or some such, which the family took as evidence.

Now that they’re all old and two of the siblings have passed they’re all Kumbaya, but there’s still that big resentment there, and they’re still pretty terrible to each other. Story credit: Reddit / AdiPalmer

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