Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

The Coward’s Way Out


My dad cheated on my mom right after we moved to the US for his job. He couldn’t bring himself to admit to my mom he was unfaithful, so he took the coward’s way out.

He purposely left open an email conversation between him and the woman he was having an affair with for my oldest sister to find. She was I think 13 or so at the time and it messed her up bad.

She told my mom and after watching the destruction of her parents’ lives, she overdosed on pain meds and almost didn’t make it. My other sister and I, around 7 or so, woke up to my mom screaming at my sister and shaking her who wouldn’t wake up.

It messed us all up pretty bad and to this day, my dad has never owned up to his faults to any of us kids. Story credit: Reddit / GlobDangIt

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