Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Resentful Upbringing


My grandma was 16 when she got pregnant with my dad, 17 when he was born. Her family ousted her and dumped her at a cloister under the pretense of going to visit another relative.

She was blindfolded when she went into labor. My dad was a premature baby, and they took him away immediately without even letting her see or touch him.

My great-grandparents raised my dad for the first few years until she was allowed to come back and returned him. She had married my biological granddad by then.

But my father remained an unwanted child. His upbringing was resentful and cold, while his little sister, my aunt, was doted upon. It has reflected heavily on how my brother, sister, and I were raised, with the exception that my dad didn’t play favorites.

He never beat us, and he was a reliable supporter of the family in financial terms, he did better than my grandparents, but the psychological stuff has shaped all three of us.

We’re all fine on the outside, we have jobs, our own places, pay our bills, and our taxes. But all three of us are still dealing with issues that stem from our childhood and upbringing.

I don’t resent my dad anymore, he has gotten a lot better and he is a very dedicated grandpa to my nephew. I even get defensive of him when someone outside the family criticizes his parenting, seeing as his upbringing has shaped him too.

The psychological stuff has stopped, and we get along well nowadays, things are good. But there was I time I secretly hated him, and I know my brother and sister did too. Story credit: Reddit / ILikeLamas678

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