Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Illegitimate Child


My uncle has an illegitimate child that lives around the block from one of my cousins. My uncle back in the day was known for having affairs and even had one with one of his students and went to prison for a bit because of it, but the child isn’t from the student affair.

Everyone but my aunt knows about the child, but even after a few instances of cheating she would never leave his side because she loves him too much.

Everyone stays hush-hush about it because they know the child would weirdly enough be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I know what you’re thinking, she may know but she doesn’t.

I had to threaten my uncle with the issue in order for him to stop taking advantage of my mom’s kindness and treating her house like a yard sale and soup kitchen.

Needless to say, he hasn’t been over to my mom’s house since our talk. My cousin (his child) tried to defend him and I shut her down quickly letting her know I said what I said, if he approaches my mom’s yard and starts stealing and trying to use her in any way I’m releasing the kraken.

This all happened during the month when my mom lost her husband in 2020. The family started treating her insurance check like it was theirs. Always with their hand out, but not wanting to do the same. Story credit: Reddit / Brilliant-Divine

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