Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

I’ve Never Met My Father


I’m a male in my mid-50s and I’ve never known who my father was. I was 27 years old when I went to visit the man I thought was my father and he told me I wasn’t.

My mom and him divorced when I was 2 years old and I have no memories of ever living with him. I saw him once when I was in the fourth grade at a funeral and then again when I was in the seventh grade at another family member’s funeral.

The next time I saw him was when I was 27 years old, and that’s when I found out he wasn’t my father. My mom always said things like you’re not missing anything with him, be glad he’s not in your life etc.

All along she was protecting HERSELF. After I found out the man I thought was my father wasn’t, when I asked my mom about it, she simply wouldn’t talk to me about it.

Not one word, at all, ever. I’ve never seen a picture of my real father, never known even his first name etc. She won’t tell me who he is. Story credit: Reddit

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