Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

DNA Test Results


My mother and I did a DNA/ancestry kit and she had two first cousins she didn’t know about pop up.

So when I asked my great aunt (sister of the cheating uncle) who these people were on our ancestry list, I was told her brother had an affair and had two children with another woman and that the other adult children and their offspring on our side of the family do not know about this.

She asked me not to tell them. So they have a half-brother and sister they do not know about, basically. What really ticks me off is that they are so holier-than-thou Mormon types. It’s sickening.

I have kept my mouth shut only because I don’t know these cousins very well anyway, so don’t feel comfortable telling them this info. They may not even believe me! Story credit: Reddit / virgmam

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