Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

All for Nothing


During a conflict in my country, my grandmother’s sister paid doctors to falsify the documents so that her son didn’t get conscripted—but it was all for nothing.

While working at a store one day, it was hit by a bomb and he didn’t make it. His sister then paid the doctors to falsify documents to say he lost his life on the battlefield.

His wife and child then got all veteran benefits: an apartment, instant acceptance to any high school and university, a large monthly allowance that allowed his wife not to work.

The wife never remarried, since the benefits will be lost if she did, but she lives with a guy in the apartment she got from the government. She claims he is only her friend even though they have two grown children together.

Both her and my grandma’s sister, who go to all meetings and events, claim their loved one lost his life protecting our country. They are disgusting and even my cousin, who is the child of the deceased guy, doesn’t talk to them.

I tried reporting them once, because I am sick of their attitude, like they are these saints who lost a loved one and are spitting in the face of the real veterans.

My mom served and didn’t get any benefits since she, luckily, got out unharmed. Two days later, they came knocking on my grandma’s door to complain about me and harassed her.

Apparently, they have someone in the government who has been protecting them. So I and the rest of my family just avoid them, to spare my elderly grandma the trouble. Story credit: Reddit / -Wrisica-

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