Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

We’re Cursed


Apparently, my family is cursed. Back in the day, my grandparents made these friends in New Zealand. One day when my grandparents went over and they were getting ready to go, the friends insisted that they take a photo of them.

My grandparents felt uncomfortable and tried to get out of it, but the friends insisted. They made my grandpa hold a lily and my grandma hold another and cross the lilies over so they were in an x shape.

In my culture, or at least what my family believes, is that lilies are a symbol of death and photographs are believed to capture a part of the soul forever.

The friends took the photograph, and from then on, our family has been stricken with tragedy. My grandparents went through a nasty divorce, their two children (my mum and aunt) have had horrible lives.

We’ve had many deaths, and my upbringing was miserable as well. My grandma believes that our family is broken apart and our story is tragic because of what happened that day in New Zealand. Story credit: Reddit

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