Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Little to Show For It


A few years before my Dad passed on, he had a chat with me about what my Mum had done. It turns out that she forged my Dads signature to re-mortgage their house and used the money to spend on whatever she wanted, when my dad confronted her with the evidence all she said was “It’s only money.”

To add to this, she ran up multiple credit cards to five-figure sums. On those, my dad bailed her out at least three times. Eventually, my dad had to re-mortgage a small portion of their house to bail her out again. This was when they were retired.

I found out the actual sum that he bailed her out of when I was clearing out the house after she passed on. I found a small piece of paper with the sums written down by my dad. It came to nearly £50,000.

My dad said he never left her because of me and my brother, she never owned up to it and never apologized, not even sure if my brother knows the full scale of what she did. I will never forgive my mum for what she did and I am glad she is gone.

I miss my dad terribly. After he told me this, everything that went on between my mom and dad during my younger years all fell into place.

For all the money my mom spent, she had little to show for it. I have no idea what she spent it on. Story credit: Reddit / CaptH3inzB3anz

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