Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Dark Motivations


When I was 2½, nearly three years old, my mom divorced my biological dad. Once the paperwork was finalized, my mom had my great-granddad come down from Georgia to Florida and load up his truck and her car with what she could carry.

Afterward, she went out to look for a place to live, look for a job, and do other stuff to get established in Georgia.

She left me in their care for nearly a year, coming down on the weekends to play with me and give them a bit of a break. My great-grandmother thought the world of me—but her motivations were seriously dark.

She’d always wanted a son and saw this as a golden opportunity. She tried to claim my mom abandoned me, even going as far as cooking up the classic “baby in the bassinet on the front porch” story.

She even tried roping my grandmother into it. Unfortunately—or fortunately—she didn’t have any solid evidence. My grandmother refused to take part in it, as she knew there was no solid evidence to back up her claims. Story credit: Reddit / PatrickRsGhost

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