Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Disturbing Discovery


My dad cheated on my mom since I was 5. They got divorced when I was 9. He got remarried when I was 12. That was his third wife. I am now 17. I went to visit my dad over the summer only to find out he is cheating on his fourth wife (my stepmom) with two separate women.

I didn’t have the heart to tell my stepmom upfront so I started to drop little hints. Dad caught on. He tried bribing me to not tell his wife. Bad idea. I took the money but told her anyway. They are now getting divorced. She was not fazed by any of it. 

But that’s not the most twisted part. I found out a year ago she is now sleeping with my dad’s brother. She got pregnant. My dad and his family don’t know. Even my uncle doesn’t know.

I’m the only one that knows besides her and her sister. I found out by accident when I came to check in on my half-siblings. My dad is supposedly their biological father, but my ex-stepmom has custody of them. I have blackmail on my ex-stepmom for all of this.

I only found out because of snippets of conversations I’ve heard while at her house checking on my siblings.

She also has a bad substance misuse problem. How do I know this is all true? I confronted her about it last week. She’s threatening to sue me if I tell anyone—even though my case would definitely win in court with all the evidence AND past court battles with her.

I threatened to call CPS, she called it a bluff. I called CPS. My dad now has custody of his kids.

So they do DNA testing and make a disturbing discovery. Only one of the six kids is actually his, but he’s been their father figure for the majority of their lives so he treats all of them like his own. He is actually a good dad, but isn’t the best at being a loyal partner.

The fact that this whole ordeal started when I was five when my dad cheated on my mom and just recently came to a close without any of our family knowing except a few people says a lot. Story credit: Reddit / Ezekiel_LikesFrogs

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