Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Once a Cheater…


When I was 15, I found out my dad was cheating on his second wife with his third wife. I didn’t tell anyone because I was really close with my stepmom and didn’t want to lose her.

When I was 18, she finally figured it out and left him. He got engaged to third wife a few weeks after the divorce was final. To this day, 25 years later, third wife refuses to acknowledge that he was married while he was dating her for four years.

She won’t even let herself see it and he’s a master manipulator. I once mentioned that he and my ex-stepmom built a house in 1992.

His third wife blew up at me that I was wrong because she met him in 1991 and he must have been already separated. Like, look at the auditor’s page if you don’t believe me. People tried to tell her before they got married but she would always freak out at them.

She knows he lies to her constantly but never considered that he lied about that. Instead, she’s the victim and she’s a good Christian and we’re all mean and going to burn.

PSA: if you have been dating a man who has children for six months and you haven’t met the kids, he’s married. If it goes on for four years…you just don’t want to know. Story credit: Reddit / jendet010

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