Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

She Refused to Leave Him


My grandad had seven kids with three different mistresses while he was married to my nan. My cousin is actually my mom’s half-brother. But that’s not the worst part. 

About six months ago, my grandad told my family that my nan fainted in the kitchen, but he didn’t know. He watched TV for around 20 minutes before she woke up.

When she woke up she begged him to take her to the hospital, but he didn’t want to waste fuel so he called his friend who took around 20 minutes to get to their home so they could drive to the hospital.

My nan passed on the way to the hospital. We don’t know which friend drove them to the hospital nor which hospital they drove to and her cause of death is still unknown.

This happened around six months ago and it still hurts. He lied about how my nan passed before her funeral and told his kids including my mother to get over it.

He took part of the money for her funeral and spent it on his mistress. No one talks to him, he is an absolute piece of trash. He was so flippant at the funeral. His wife of 40 years was gone and he doesn’t care.

My nan refused to leave him as she loved him, even though he cheated. He is despicable. Story credit: Reddit / Tintedboy

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