Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

Figuring Out the Truth


My paternal grandmother had all her four children with different fathers. She was pregnant with my dad when she met the person who my dad thought was his father.

She had one child with him, and then got pregnant twice with two other men while married to him. The first wasn’t so obvious, but the second was. They divorced, of course.

I did the AncestryDNA test to figure out what I am, and then this started to come to light with the connections. We thought that the person who my dad thought was his father had three children with my grandmother, but only had one.

It sucks that my grandmother didn’t tell the truth before she passed. Also, I carry a last name from someone who is not biologically related to me, who I thought was.

I am just glad my parents who raised me are my biological parents. My dad is completely in denial about this truth. He doesn’t know who his father is, and it is hard to find out since a lot of people in the older generation are no longer alive. Story credit: Reddit / blasiavania

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