Family Secrets That Were Finally Shared At the Worst Possible Time

They Never Got to Confront Him


Apparently, my grandfather had an illegitimate, mixed-race kid outside of his marriage to my grandmother. From what I’ve been told and overheard over the years, my dad and aunts didn’t find out until they received a phone call from the kid, who was around 40 years old by that time,

When my grandfather passed on in 2004. I’m also certain my grandma knew about his affair/child and him financially supporting her, but chose to not acknowledge it.

Sadly, my dad and aunts never got to confront him. I’m also fairly certain that hush money was given to my mystery aunt to not publicize the situation. It’s a shame that I don’t know her name because I would like to meet her.

Hopefully, she’s not like my other three aunts, who are all bougie snobs who have turned my dad into the black sheep of the family for his drinking, even though they’ve been involved in some way more scandalous situations.

And the story doesn’t end there. I know that my dad is shady in the faithful department. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Several years ago, me, my husband, and my brother decided to ride over to my dad’s house to visit him while my stepmom was away for the weekend. We were gonna surprise him so we didn’t call beforehand.

At the time, he lived in the country and was the only house on his road. When we parked in the driveway and got out, we were greeted by a bizarre sight. There were several articles of clothing strewn on the ground, leading to the door.

I knocked on the door several times but my dad never answered and his door was locked. He never locked his door, so that was highly suspect.

So we stood around outside for a few minutes to see if he would come to the door and that’s when I noticed a woman’s purse on one of the outside chairs.

I did what any nosy daughter would’ve done—I went through it to see whose it was. I saw the driver’s license of a woman who definitely wasn’t my stepmom. There was also a little prepaid cricket phone in her purse.

So we decided to leave, and as we are driving away, my brother looks at us and did one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen him do in my life. He said “Hey, y’all know that crickets don’t fly” and threw that woman’s phone out the window at 55 mph. Story credit: Reddit / dancingdoll318

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