
Five Men Stare At Vet Who Has No Idea What Is Coming

Five Men Stare At Vet Who Has No Idea What Is Coming November 9, 2021Leave a comment

He had to avoid eye contact at all costs, he bent his hat further down to pretend he didn't notice him.

He felt his pulse start to race as he thought about every terrible ending that entered his mind. Lou had to acknowledge him or there would be consequences.

Date Night

Flickr / Dave Stone / CC 2.0

Lou Zezoff was excited to go to Cracker Barrel for his date with Annette, his wife.

The 74-year-old knew exactly what he was going to order - a medium-rare steak and baked potatoes. He might even order himself a dessert if he was up to it. But he didn't know what would be waiting for him at the restaurant.

Hyper Vigilance


Lou lived a quiet life in Granite City, Illinois after what seemed like a lifetime of danger. He was a veteran in Vietnam which left him with training that always kicked in when it needed to.

After he served in Vietnam he went on to be a police officer which left him with an eye for detail.

Men Staring

Disney–ABC Domestic Television

Lou was looking forward to a simple but nice dinner with his darling wife. He would admire how she did her hair for the evening and he would smile at how lucky he was.

But little did he know that just a few tables over would be some well-built men would notice him and wouldn't just let him have a nice dinner with his wife.

Trouble Coming?

Facebook/Lou Zezoff

Lou knew that even with his training age had caught up to him and he wouldn't be able to do much if trouble started. He could really only call 911 realistically.

The young men looked like they could easily break him in two if they were so inclined. The night started with glances and hushed whispers from their table. What did they want?

Who Were They?

Wikimedia Commons / Michael P. Barbella / CC 4.0

He soon knew that they were definitely looking in his direction. He must have been their topic of conversation.

He tried to figure out who they were. None of them could have been people that he had arrested back in his day as a cop, they were way too young for that. But soon the staff also noticed something strange.



Lou felt that he couldn't forget about the men, something about them riled him up, it was their haircuts.

Once his main course arrived on his table he had already used his old detective experience to form a working theory about the men. But as he took the first bite of his juicy steak he noticed them whisper something to their waitress.

Staff Involved

Facebook/Lou Zezoff

He didn't know what was said, but the expression on the waitress' face was all he needed to know.

His wife leaned over and stroked his arm, trying to get him to relax. She was curious but not nearly as much as him. Then one of the men got up and started walking to them.

Look In The Eyes

Disney–ABC Domestic Television

The man was tall, well-built, clean-shaven, and had a buzzcut.

He had a presence to his walk. Lou noticed something in his eyes that was familiar - like he had done some tragic things in his past. Lou saw a bit of himself in the man.

Giving Thanks

Facebook/Lou Zezoff

The man stopped in front of Lou and extended his hand.

“I saw your hat, sir. My fellow officers and I just wanted to thank you for your service to this country.” The paranoia and wild imagined situations melted away. Lou thought he could relax, but the scene was just starting.

More Than Words

Trip Advisor / CC

The others stood up and came over as well. Lou might have been an old soldier, but he could still blush.

They all thanked him over and over for his years in the military. They shared a few, brief stories of their own service and struggles. Then they handed him the dinner bill.

Many Tears


It had been paid for. Lou felt the tears well up and trickle down his cheeks. He knew better than most that solider didn’t get paid much.

This was a lot for the boys to give out. He tried to insist they didn’t have to, but their response made him cry harder.

Show Of Respect


The five men stood in a line and gave him the sharpest, crispest salute he had ever seen in his life.

The rest of the restaurant had been watching the scene unfold … and then joined in. They clapped, cheers, and thanked him as well. It felt like his heart was going to explode.

Hard Life


Lou knew that when men and women who came home from service didn’t always get a happy ending.

There were physical and mental barriers that were sometimes impossible to overcome. He had been lucky. Now, looking at the newest generation, he was sure of one thing.

Special Bond

Public Domain

The comradery within the military didn’t just span across countries, it had bridged generations as well.

They were all brothers and sisters in arms. It was a special bond that he was forever grateful for. Somehow, he was going to pay this forward. But this was not the first time someone was blown away by an amazing display of patriotism…

A Night Out


She couldn’t believe that the hostess was lying to her. She had been waiting for what seemed like an age just to get a table, and her kids were starting to grow restless. And when she saw through the lie her server had told her, she was livid.

She sighed. The children were growing hungrier and more irritable by the second. Any minute now, she knew all hell was about to break loose. She flagged a passing waitress, but before she could open her mouth to speak, Maddi, her youngest, began to shriek.



Kate Bradford, a single mother of two, was no stranger to the difficulties of finding a family-friendly restaurant. But at last, she had found the perfect diner.

Tonight was her father’s birthday and they had wanted to celebrate with a steak dinner, so she made a reservation for a booth at 6 PM at the Texas Roadhouse, just a few blocks from her home. What could possibly go wrong?

Little Monsters


Kate, as any mother of young children would, was experiencing immense anxiety over the impending restaurant trip.

She had read the horror stories written by mothers and the venom spewed by childless diners in blogs and reviews, but she had the foresight to prepare for any eventuality in advance. Or so she thought.

Prepared For The Worst

Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

Armed with a diaper bag, crayons, puzzles, toys, and other distractions, Kate arrived at the Texas Roadhouse with trepidation–3 and 6-year-old in tow.

They were 15 minutes early but were hoping to be seated immediately. The diner didn’t look too busy, Kate noted with relief. Cole and Maddi were already growing restless, and Kate was already starting to regret her decision.



The hostess greeted them with a smile, but when she saw the two small children she frowned. Kate’s nerves were raw with tension and she was waiting for the worst–a snide comment, a judging look, anything…and she was ready to retaliate.

They had just as much right to be here as anybody else, she kept telling herself. “We have a reservation,” Kate said, cracking a smile.

Waiting Game

Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

The hostess looked her name up in the book and guided them to the waiting area and apologized, saying that they were a little early and would have to wait for a table to become available. “Fair enough,” Kate said in dismay as Cole started to clench his fists.

“I’m hungry, mommy!” he whined. “We can’t eat without Grandpa anyway, honey,” she reasoned gently.



The bar area was packed with men that night, and there was a big game on TV. Kate lifted Cole and then Maddi onto the high bar stools at a table in the corner, as far away from the noise as possible.

She hoped they wouldn’t have to wait long. Cole swung his legs repeatedly, kicking the table with his sneakers. Ten minutes of waiting turned into fifteen, and Kate was about to lose her patience.

Bathroom Trip


Kate scanned the faces jostling through the crowded bar. Her father, Joel, was late. She picked up her phone and dialed his number, but there was no answer, and she started to worry. Cole and Maddi held their birthday gifts, and Cole started to fidget.

Then, he looked up and stated matter-of-factly that he needed to use the bathroom. But when Kate accompanied him to the restroom, it became all too clear that the hostess had lied to her.


Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

There were diners in all the booths, except one, in the far corner. At first, Kate thought that there must have been some kind of mistake, but then she started to fume.

Why wouldn’t the roadhouse let them have the booth? They advertised themselves as a family restaurant when they clearly weren’t. That’s when Kate snapped the picture that took Facebook by storm.

Losing Her Cool

Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

Turning to the nearest waitress, she asked why they had been waiting for all this time when there was a booth available. But just then Maddi started to have a toddler meltdown of epic proportions.

She stamped her feet and started to shriek, and Kate had finally had enough.

An Empty Booth


“There is an empty booth! I’ll show you!” Kate snapped. This wasn’t the first time she had endured terrible service because she had disruptive children, but this was really just too much.

She got up and started to lead the confused server to the dining area, and pointed triumphantly. “Right there, in the corner!”


Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

The waitress stammered, bewildered, plates of steaming food sat poised on her arms. Kate had blindsided her with her confrontation.

She was just doing her job. She started to explain, but as Kate drew closer, she felt her smug face fall as she realized her terrible mistake. The table was unoccupied, but it wasn’t empty.


Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

The table had been reserved for some VIP guests. At first, Kate was confused–was there some sort of conspiracy going on here?

Places had been set, it seemed, but the guests hadn’t arrived. She was right to be annoyed, It was reserved for ghosts. But then, Kate’s stomach started to turn as she took it all in. It was a lonely table.

Something Terrible

YouTube / Click2Houston

At that moment, Kate wished that the ground would open up and swallow her. Here she was, complaining, while she sat and waited for a table so she could have a steak dinner with her family.

The gravity of the situation hit home as she understood how lucky she was…her problems were small. Something terrible had happened to these men who were supposed to be in that booth tonight.

An Eerie Sight

Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

The table was neatly set for five, and there was a vase in the middle of the table that held a miniature American Flag. There was also a full-sized flag hanging on the wall, lit by a single candle. It was an eerily forlorn sight, and Kate’s heart filled with sadness when she realized what it all meant.

There was a letter, typed and framed upright, and when Kate read the words, her heart broke.



Kate’s eyes filled with tears as she realized that the party of five who the table had been meticulously set for was not going to walk into the doors of the Texas Roadhouse anytime soon.

Her face flushed with shame, and she knew that this particular group of men was never going to be able to enjoy the diner’s trademark ribeye steak, ever again.

Fallen Officers


The framed text read: “We remember and honor the five slain police officers, Sergeant Michael J. Smith, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, and Mr. Brent Thompson, who worked for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department, that the Texas Roadhouse restaurant reserved a table for.”

“…We thank you for your service. May you rest in peace.”

A Sombre Note


Kate’s father, Joel, arrived and found Kate standing motionless at the memorial table. Cole and Maddi were also quiet for once, as if somehow understanding the somber tone of their mother’s discovery.

Joel apologized to his daughter for being late, and just then a waitress walked up with a smile.

A Tragedy

Facebook/Texas Roadhouse

“Bradford? Party of four? Your booth is ready.” At their freshly cleared table, Kate sat in silence as she thought about what she had just seen. She knew in the back of her mind that there had been some sort of tragedy, but she hadn’t been paying attention.

Then she turned to her father and asked: “Who are the Dallas 5?”

The Dallas 5


The table had been set for the “Dallas 5”, 5 brave police officers who had died while in the line of duty. The incident was deemed the most deadly for law enforcement since 9/11.

The tragedy occurred on July 7, 2016. A man named Micah Xavier Johnson had ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas.

Never Forgotten

YouTube / WTOV

Micah Xavier Johnson killed five officers and injured nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran who was outraged over police shootings, and this drove him to commit the atrocity.

But there was one restaurant that was not going to let these policemen’s brave efforts go unnoticed.

Making A Difference

Facebook / LeRoy Buehler

The Texas Roadhouse, In addition to the heartbreaking tribute table, donated 5% of all sales on that memorable day to the Assist the Officer Foundation (run by the Dallas Police Association).

This organisation provides assistance to officers and their families in the event of illness, accidents, and other events that lead to loss of income. But it’s not the first table of honor the restaurant chain has laid.

Touching Hearts

Facebook/LeRoy Buehler

In fact, the family restaurant chain has made an impression on many of its diners with similar tribute tables.

Kate’s photos, as well as others, have been circulating on social media, and thousands have commended the touching gesture with positive comments.

Wounded Warriors

Facebook / LeRoy Buehler

One Facebook user wrote: “…I’ve even seen Wounded Warrior reserved parking spaces at the restaurant in Altoona, PA.”

“They are by far my favorite restaurant, not just for the great food, but the patriotism and professionalism they constantly show!”

Doing Our Part

Facebook / LeRoy Buehler

It’s easy to take things for granted in life, like being able to enjoy a night out with loved ones while eating a delicious meal. Sometimes we forget just how much dedicated public servants do to protect America’s citizens, and how much they risk each and every day–putting their lives on the line.

Texas Roadhouse’s beautiful tributes remind us to stop and say “thank you”.