Flight Attendants Share Their Embarrassing Mile High Club Stories

My Personal Hero


Not a flight attendant but I have a decent story.

I was on a quick hop from Oakland to LA, whole flight was about 90 minutes. It’s an early bird flight, so I have a coffee, my ipod blaring MC Chris and a look on my face that said, “Not a conversationalist.”

We’re running late already and the FA tells us over the loud speaker that two more passengers were the cause. The flight was a third full at most and we all groaned.

So this couple finally gets on board, probably not knowing that we’ve been informed they’re the cause of the delay. First hint of something hinky is the woman sits in the aisle seat next to me, when there are empty rows they could have taken.

She starts rambling on about visiting the OC, to which I turned up my music. I know, I’m a bit of a jerk.

Anyway fast forward an hour of in incessant chatterboxing, when I see the guy she boarded with get up from his seat a few rows back and go to the only lavatories in the front of the plane. Lady gets up and goes in, but I wasn’t paying close attention, I was just thankful for five minutes of silence.

Now I fly southwest often enough at the time to know their we’re landing soon speech. FA gets up, and thanks everyone for flying etc. I key in that the couple is still in the lav, where the FA is standing right in front of with the mic.

It dawns on me what might be happening when said FA breaks out into a six minute rendition of You are so Beautiful to Me, even as the plane is banking sharply on approach.

By the time that Straight Baller was done singing the pair had no time to dawdle as we were in full landing mode. So they were forced to exit the obviously same stall while everyone’s attention was glued to some FA singing for a looong time. When the woman sat down next to me she was beyond mortified and didn’t say another word the rest of the time before standing up to leave.

Suffice to say that flight attendant was my personal hero that day.

Story credit: Reddit / HyperionIV

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