Flight Attendants Share Their Embarrassing Mile High Club Stories

Lackluster and Overwhelming


Not sure what type of plane it was but it was an overnight flight from Montreal to Frankfurt and the plane had 2 rows of bathrooms (there must have been 6 bathrooms per side) down a flight of stairs. It was a school trip and the girlfriend and I went down initially to plug in my PSP since there were no working plugs near our seats.

I was sitting on the can and she was sitting on my lap and we were literally just hanging out in there chatting and whatnot, no hanky panky. PSP charged up and we were about to leave when we figured ‘why not’ had a quickie, probably the least satisfying one ever, cleaned up and walked out. One of the teachers was standing outside waiting to use the toilets and asked what we were doing. I showed him the PSP and charger cable and he bought it, mostly because the plug at his seat wasn’t working either.

That was almost 9 years ago, now that I’m a little older I would do things differently if the desire ever came up again, but the first time was so lackluster and underwhelming that I doubt I would make the effort a second time.

Story credit: Reddit / TheLongAndWindingRd

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