Flight Attendants Share Their Embarrassing Mile High Club Stories

Hindsight is 20/20


Was flying from Pittsburgh to Houston, first leg to Atlanta, and then to Houston. It was a night flight from ATL to HOU. There was a 2+ hour layover in ATL. I had my laptop and found a seat by a plug, and put a movie on. (this was pre 9/11) There was a really cute woman who looked bored.

I went over to her and told her I was about to watch a movie and she was welcome. She thanked me and came and sat next to me, we had the laptop set up on top of our carry on. She was wearing a loose collared tank top and some pretty loose legged shorts. No bra, and halfway through the movie she looped her arm through mine and we kind of snuggled watching it.

Anyway, after the movie we talked and we were both single and both lived in Houston so we talked about maybe dating. We kissed, and made out a bit, but nothing serious. The area we were in was pretty empty and when the plane came, the plane had a lot of empty seats. She sat next to me and asked if I had any other movies, I did.

So we put my laptop on the tray and started watching another movie. I had some earbuds and we each got a bud. It was dark and we had the crappy thin blankets. But it was cool and we snuggled watching the movie. I was in Cargo shorts. and she had her hand on my thigh and started running her hand up them and I put my hand on her thigh and did the same. It quickly progressed to a full hookup right there in our seats.

Afterward, she went to the washroom to clean up and when she came back she gave me something. It was her underwear. She wanted me to have them as a keepsake. The plane landed, my friends picked me up and her sister picked her up. When we were saying goodbye, she gave me what was, honestly one of the top 5 kisses of my life.

She asked if this was just mid-flight fling or if I was serious about dating. I told her I would love to date her. Well we did date a bit afterwards but she had just gotten out of a long term relationship, and I was just a cute guy that became a rebound.

(she had flown back to visit family after the her fiance broke off the engagement to give him time to move out of their apartment. I just happened to be the first nice guy to talk to her and she really just wanted to let her freak out a bit. I think we dated 4 months, but really, other than both liking John Cusak romcoms, we did not have enough in common to keep a real relationship.) We are still friends. This was 23 years ago and she is married and has a kid that just graduated High School. (makes me feel old.)

As for if we were seen. Maybe, there were several empty seats around us, the flight attendants never came by, in hindsight, that is probably because they knew what we were doing.

Story credit: Reddit / redfeather1

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