Flight Attendants Share Their Embarrassing Mile High Club Stories

Performance Anxiety

Wikimedia Commons / Archives New Zealand / CC 2.0

I actually joined the mile high club about 5 years ago.

I (M) had known the girl (F) for a few weeks prior, met while travelling and found out we were going to be on the same 10hr flight home. We talked about doing it beforehand and made a plan. Once they started to serve dinner, I would go into the bathroom. Two minutes later, she would knock and I’d let her in.

My friend that I was travelling with knew what we were doing and was standing “watch”. I told him wait 6-7min, and when the coast was clear, knock on the door (we made a secret knock so I would know it was him vs. some random stranger). Then I would come out, and 2min later, she would come out.

It’s important to mention that I went about 2 weeks without anything prior to this, so I was well built up and ready to go. I didn’t plan on lasting more than a minute or two under these circumstances, so the 6-7 min I told my friend should be plenty of time.

Anyways the time comes and I head into the bathroom. Two minutes later I hear the knock, and she joins. We’re both small people, but those washrooms are tiny and it’s extremely uncomfortable trying to find a position that actually works. I would absolutely not recommend trying this if you’re 6ft+ and/or over 200lbs.

After a few minutes we find a position that works, but now I’m struck with so much adrenaline and nerves that for the first time in my life, I was getting performance anxiety. I knew we had limited time and I had made it this far already, I needed to complete the task.

As anticipated, I didn’t last very long at all. Obviously I reached for the toilet paper to clean up, but right as I do I hear the knocks on the door… it was time to go. I quickly did up my belt buckle and left, and two minutes later she left as well.

I don’t know if she fully cleaned up after me, but regardless I felt bad for the next person using that washroom. And when I spoke to my friend about it, he told me he was too lazy to climb over the people beside him so he just asked some confused, random girl to knock on the bathroom door. I think she figured out what was going on pretty soon after.

Story credit: Reddit / 1throwawayawaworth1

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