Former Disney Employees Share Fascinating Behind the Scenes Secrets

The Customer Comes First

Flickr / Michael Gray / CC 2.0

Not an employee, but I have an interesting story about Disney. When I was 7, I went to Disney World. The third night we were there, I rolled out of my bed and cut my forehead on the nightstand.

My mom came over to comfort me, not knowing I was bleeding quite profusely. She turned the light on when I wouldn’t stop crying and she said it “looked like a murder had taken place.”

Paramedics were called, and the room was swarming with what I can only assume were Disney employees. After I was evaluated and patched up, I was taken to the gift shop around 2 AM with my mom and an employee. I got to choose 3 toys at no cost to my family. It was pretty incredible to be in the completely abandoned gift shop and being told I could have anything.

When we returned back to the room 25 minutes later, all the blood was cleaned up, guard rails were put on my bed, and a large basket of candy and other sweets were left on a table. Disney doesn’t play around with customer service.

Story credit: Reddit / Firestorm1820

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