Former Disney Employees Share Fascinating Behind the Scenes Secrets

Don’t Push That Button

Wikimedia Commons / Josh Hallett / CC 2.0

I worked on The Great Movie Ride in Hollywood Studios for a while and I can tell you all 22 minutes of your friendly tour guide’s speech is scripted to the very last letter. You get three days to learn your whole monologue (AND all of the speeds/controls/stops/gos of the actual ride) before going “live” as a tour guide.

Most of those three days is spent in a room with your trainer reciting your script until you get every word right. If you accidentally say the word “okay” instead of “alright,” you start over from the beginning.

Most tedious 3 days of my life. There’s also one button on every car that, despite being really close to buttons you have to touch all the time, if pushed gets you fired immediately.

Story credit: Reddit / Theleavesknees

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