Former Disney Employees Share Fascinating Behind the Scenes Secrets

An Unwanted Guest

Flickr / Heather Cowper

On our family trip to Disney World. I was leaning over a railing looking down into some water. A few unreachable feet below I spot a tiny (1.5ft to 2ft) alligator. Being from Africa and relatively unfazed with a slightly sharp swimming lizard, I thought nothing of it. I called my mother over and said “look an alligator! How cool.” This was a mistake.

Not two seconds later (ears everywhere man) a staff member was looking over the railing whispering on the radio. All heck broke loose in the most hushed, professional way ever.

We were escorted away on a golf cart and a huge section of the park was cordoned off. We were taken to a room where they were very apologetic for our negative experience and offered us a free day, VIP, the works.

So we said very a big thank you and took what was offered. In the future, I will be smuggling other small harmless creatures in for free stuff. I also got stuck on the Big Thunder Mountain ride in Paris… that was handled in a much more French way: “Je suis désolé,” as they blow smoke in my face. I mean, seriously.

Story credit: Reddit / oilycam

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