The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

10. How Long Has He Been There?


I was riding my horse down a trail. Heard a noise; tink-tink, like glass. I looked down and saw a mouse in a glass bottle; it couldn’t get out. I stopped, tipped the bottle and let the little one go. Later on, I was riding my horse down a trail and heard a dog whine…real quiet…I whistled and it started barking. I rode that way and found the dog; it was a German shorthair hunting dog who had tried to get out of a creek and had gotten his collar hung up in a root.

Goodness knows how long he was there, he was skinny. On his last legs if you know what I mean. He had a collar with his owner’s info engraved; I called them and they were speechless. That dog had been missing for three weeks. He surely was in the water that long. Yes, the dog survived. Life is tough. It was a hot summer; the dog was very physically fit and well taken care of.

If he hadn’t been, who knows what would’ve happened.


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