The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

22. Jaw Dropping


We like to hike 3-5 miles down a trailhead in deep Georgia. One night, the temperature dropped into the low 20s, which is really rare for mid-fall. We got a solid fire going, and the heat mixed with a full belly put us all to sleep. I woke up to my buddy tapping my foot with a stick. I looked up at him and he nodded toward the fire. When I saw it, my jaw dropped. 

There were two wild boar kicking up dirt around the dying fire. We didn’t have any sort of weaponry except a hand axe that was out of our reach. My friend and I laid there, completely silent, watching these two for about an hour till the fire died completely down and they moved on. If you don’t know, wild boars in Georgia are easily 150 pounds, pissed all the time, and prone to gore literally anything. We were reaaaally lucky.


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