The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

6. Who’s There?


I was out camping one night by myself and started hearing voices. I was playing music and it was around two in the morning. My grandma’s house was about two miles down the river and I thought it might have been my grandpa, so I turned off my music so I could yell back, but I heard a dog and my grandma or grandpa don’t have dogs. Then I heard someone say, “The noise was this way!”

This genuinely freaked me out, so I climbed one of the pine trees and sat up there for about five or six minutes. Later I saw a flashlight in the distance and two people walking up. They were both men, and there was I believe a husky-German hybrid with them. They ransacked my camp and I swear they should’ve noticed me because they shined the lights around and went right over me.

After they left, I started to walk home and I heard two loud bangs, which sounded like a rifle, so I booked it. When I got home, I stood on the porch for a second and saw their lights at the edge of the woods. I can assure you I will never camp alone again. It wasn’t even hunting season so they shouldn’t have even been out with a gun and if they were, it should have been at least a handgun and not a rifle.

But I’m still not sure what kind of gun it was. I hate dark forests now though, and I got really bad paranoia from this.


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