The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

72. We’re Surrounded


This was when I was about 17 years old. I was camping in the Australian outback with 3 other guys from high school. We each had our own tents. Sometime late at night, I get woken up by a clinking sound. Something or someone has just plinked a tin can at our camping site. We took them with us when we left, but they were stacked next to the fire.

I sit up and listen, and whatever it is, there’s more than one of them. In fact, we appear to be surrounded. I can hear small noises coming from all over the campsite. I’m a bit worried, but I finally work up the nerve to stick my head out of the tent flap. And discover it’s a herd of miniature deer. None of them are taller than my hip, they look like a herd of Bambi. About twelve of them.

One of them sees me and stops for a moment and just looks at me, then they turn tail, and run. In the morning there were little hoof prints imprinted all over the camp. I guess they were after the “fruits in syrup” cans I brought with me.


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