The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

84. Father and Son Camping


I was camping with my dad in this crazy bush area where you had to hike about two hours to this main waterhole. We inflated a boat and went to a small island where the front of the island was sand but the back all bush, so we put our tents up and went fishing. We cooked some fish and ate marshmallows when we heard a howl.

It sounded far away but it scared us, so we got enough firewood for the fire to burn all night, in case we needed to pee or something. No clue what time it was, but in the middle of the night I had to pee. I went to a tree and stood there. I returned to my tent and heard that howl, but it was very close this time—before it sounded a long way away.

I was scared but went back to sleep. In the morning we woke up to see a small snake trail and our fire in ruins. It was picked apart and way smaller even though we had enough wood because I have been here before and never had problems with running out of wood. There was also some gear left out chewed or missing. No clue what it was but it was weird as heck.

Other than that, great spot in Australia.


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