The Most Frightful Stories of Nature From the Campers and Hikers Who Lived Them

93. It Was All a Dream


I was hiking along the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. If you’ve never been, it’s really thick old-growth forest. There’s a 360-mile hiking trail from Duluth to the Canadian border; really well-developed campsites and enough traffic that I wouldn’t feel unsafe on it anywhere. For this particular trip, my hiking buddy and I wanted to turn it into a loop instead of an out and back on the same trail.

Scoped out a section that’s connected with some back roads and a snowmobile trail that would work as our loop. As we’re hiking on one of the dirt back roads, we see a random dirt biker approach us, stop maybe a hundred yards back, and stare for a while. Kind of unnerving with him just staring at us for a while, but he eventually turned and left.

We eventually get to a log shelter on the snowmobile trail that we planned as campsite one. Nice relaxing campsite, go to bed. We woke up in the middle of the night (full moon), and I swore there were two moonlit silhouettes standing on either side of my tent. Not sure if I dreamed it or it was real, but freaky as heck. I remember just staying as still/silent as possible for as long as possible.


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