Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Dead Horse


Reddit user Up2KnowGood and their team thought they could ignore a dead horse left on top of a dumpster, but later discovered that the horse had come back to haunt them.

“I was a sanitary engineer back in the early 90s. One of our regular stops was a veterinary clinic. We arrived one hot summer day to find a DEAD HORSE on top of the dumpster. We said “screw that, we aren’t taking a horse!” … So we pushed the corpse off the dumpster, emptied the container and went on about our business.

The next week, we get back to the vet to find the horse inside the dumpster. Bloated like a creepy caricature of its former self. Because its INSIDE the dumpster, we decide to take it. We empty the dumpster into the hopper and start to compact the corpse. Suddenly there is POP, followed by a juicy gurgling sound. Before we new what was happening, it was raining horse gore, I swear for a moment it blotted out the sun. To date this is the single most disgusting event of my life.

TL;DR Packed a large bloated horse. The pressure while being compacted caused an explosion of horse gore.”

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