Garbage Collectors Share the Strangest Things They Found on the Job

A Live Grenade


Half-eaten food and miscellaneous items were the least of Reddit user Adski673’s worries mainly because they had found an undetonated grenade that was still very active.

“I worked at my local recycling plant sorting different materials into different bins on a fast moving conveyer belt. Most people don’t know what can and cannot be recycled so we often found lots of rubbish to sort through. We would often find dead pets, money, dirty needles, half eaten food (once a whole turkey was thrown out).

By far the best thing we found was a old, unexploded grenade. The whole plant was shutdown until the bomb squad came. They ended up taking the grenade to the tip (massive piles of rubbish, I don’t know what you call it in America) and blew it up. Chunks of rubbish went everywhere… and the smell, oh god the smell! It’ll outlast religion.”

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